Breezin george benson mode
Breezin george benson mode

breezin george benson mode breezin george benson mode

They ALL work! Look at our grouping above.

breezin george benson mode

This comes from outlining the dominant chords. On the Dominant chords, you must accentuate the correct notes. Dare I say it? Most jazz players from most rock players. Guys, THIS is what sets apart the good players from the bad. You will be playing the correct notes, but they will not be functioning the right way. Although you are still in the key of C, if you accentuate C Maj, A min or E min, it will sound wrong. This is changing functions and is no longer a resting place. Now you have a D-7 and a G7 chord coming up. All are tonic right? Now those two chords just became one. Of course A minor7 arpeggios will work, as will Emin arpeggios. Play all your C maj lines, over BOTH chords. YES! No need to make any changes there! Treat them both the exact same way. UGGHH! Now if you look above at out groupings, you will see that the I and VI chord are in the same group, and are both tonic chords. Ionian on the I chord, Aolean on the VI chord, Dorian on the II chord, Mixolydian on the V chord, then back to Ionian on the one chord. This is SOOOOOOOOOOO important!!!!!! You do NOT have to learn 7 modes, one for each chord! If you do that, in a progression like a simple I-VIII-V, you will be trying to play 4 modes to make the changes. Now you only have two groups of chords, and ecah chord in each group funtuions the SAME way. This means they are looking to resolve, or move to a resting area. They are all resting places, they just create a kind of different color, but they all function the SAME. The I (CMaj7) the III (E-7) and the VI chord (A-7). You can hear the first part is dominant, then it moves to the resting area, or tonic. Think of when you sing AHHHH-mennnnn in church. (Dominant) Dominant areas want to move to tonic areas. Or is creating unstability, or wanting to move to a stable place. It is either stable,(a resting place) (Tonic). Now each of those chords has a function, meaning what it does to the melody being playd over it. IV chord: Fmaj7, V chord:G7, VI chord: A-7. In the key of C, this is I chord: C maj7. You need to know your harmonized major scale. Alone again naturally: Gilbert O’ Sullivan This was taught to me by Richie Hart, who was taught it directly from George Benson, who picked it up from hanging with Wes and Coltrane.

Breezin george benson mode